Accreditation is confirmation

Accreditations and association memberships mean people from outside the company hold it in the same esteem as those inside the company. It’s not a gift. It’s credit where credit is due. REVA has earned such distinction, from a host of respected agencies, in virtually every aspect of its operations.

Air Ambulance Accreditations & Accreditations


REVA is an approved air carrier for the Department of Defense.

DODDepartment of Defense

The Department of Defense has an arm called the Commercial Airlift Board, which uses on-site survey teams to evaluate an aviation company’s operations and maintenance. The board has approved REVA to take part in the DOD’s Air Transportation Program, a process that requires months to complete. It means REVA reaches beyond industry standards to ensure client safety and comfort.

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Air Ambulance Accreditations & Accreditations


REVA has achieved the Platinum Rating from AR/GUS International.


ARGUS International is an independent agency that has devised a rating system that grades an aircraft operator’s actual safety history. REVA has earned a Platinum rating, the highest level of aviation quality and safety. This is not a title that is conferred. It is a rating that must be earned.

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Air Ambulance Accreditations & Accreditations


REVA is fully accredited for Basic Life Support, Advanced Life Support, Critical Care, Specialty Care (Neonatal, Pediatrics), and Commercial Medical Escorts.

NAAMTA National Accreditation Alliance Medical Transport Applications

The National Accreditation Alliance Medical Transport Applications, or NAAMTA, seeks to identify best practices in and develop guidelines focusing on transport safety and patient care. REVA has completed a comprehensive audit of NAAMTA Standards, demonstrating compliance in each. This means REVA is unmatched in its approach to safety.

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Air Ambulance Accreditations & Accreditations

EURAMI - European Aero-Medical Institute

REVA is fully accredited for long range, Adult, Pediatric, and Neonatal Critical Care Transports.

EURAMI European Aero-Medical Institute

EURAMI, or European Aero-Medical Institute, is a voluntary designation of quality, standards and compliance focusing on safety. Since 2014, REVA has been accredited in the long-range/Intercontinental fixed-wing category. This confirms clients can depend on REVA to provide the utmost safety in longer flights.

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Air Ambulance Accreditations & Accreditations


REVA was one of the first U.S providers to be selected to join the International Assistance Group.

IAG International Assistance Group

The International Assistance Group is a worldwide alliance of assistance companies. The assistance it offers includes the air-ambulance industry. REVA was the first air-ambulance service in the United States to earn designation as an International Assistance Group Accredited Service Provider. This means REVA’s clients can be assured of our expertise in the realm of health-travel insurance.

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Air Ambulance Accreditations & Accreditations


“REVA is an active member of the NBAA

NBAANational Business Aviation Association

The National Business Aviation Association is a trade group that advocates on behalf of companies that own and operate corporate jets. Jets are vital assets in REVA’s 16-aircraft fleet. It means REVA is always excellence at the industry’s highest levels.

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Air Ambulance Accreditations & Accreditations


REVA is a Registered Company of the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operators.

IS-BAO The International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations

Developed by the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) and its member associations. International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations is a recommended code of best practices designed to help flight departments worldwide achieve high levels of safety and professionalism.

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Air Ambulance Accreditations & Accreditations


REVA is a member of good standing for the US Travel Insurance Association.

UStiAUS Travel Insurance Association

REVA is a member in good standings of the US Travel Insurance Association. It is a nonprofit organization made up of companies involved in the development, sales, marketing or application of travel insurance. It means REVA has the clients’ well-being uppermost in mind.

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Air Ambulance Accreditations & Accreditations

CMSA - Case Management Society of America

REVA remains a valued contributor to both local and national education opportunities for Case Managers & Social Workers.

CMSA Case Management Society of America

The Case Management Society of America is a nonprofit professional organization that offers education and networking opportunities for Case Managers. REVA’s Case Managers are the point men of the medical transport process. They take part fully in the Society’s functions. This means REVA’s clients are served by men and women with up-to-the-moment knowledge of their craft.

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Air Ambulance Accreditations & Accreditations


REVA plays an active role in the sponsorship and education opportunities for hospital Case Managers & Social Workers across the United States.

ACMAAmerican Case Management Association

The American Case Management Association is a national nonprofit membership organization. It supports Case Management professionals in the health-care industry. REVA’s Case Managers play an active role in this group. This means REVA’s clients can rest easy in the hands of it Case Managers.

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Air Ambulance Accreditations & Accreditations


REVA is an active member in The Travel Health Insurance Association of Canada.

THiAThe Travel Health Insurance Association of Canada

The Travel Health Insurance Association of Canada develops and promotes voluntary standards of professionalism of travel health providers in Canada. It provides education and advances issues relevant to the industry.

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Air Ambulance Accreditations & Accreditations


REVA has been recognized and awarded the Air Ambulance of the Year among the International Health and Travel Insurance Industry.

ITIJ Air Ambulance Provider of the Year

The ITIJ Awards are known as the Oscars of the industry. The winner is chosen by a panel of industry specialists. The criteria include verifiable data and documentation regarding business growth, community involvement, innovation, client relationships, and staff training.

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